SCA Texas

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Protecting Tomorrow's Fishing Today

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For Grand Slam Fishing Tournament information, click on the image, for tournament rules, click here.

For SCA Fall Flounderfest information, click here or on the image

SCA Highlights:

  • SCA Retired 12 Bay Shrimping Licenses and decommissioned 3 boats to date.

  • The Saltwater Conservation Association of Texas is a direct action, non profit group of fishing conservationists.
  • Our primary mission is to assist Texas Parks and Wildlife in buying back Bay Shrimping Licenses and retiring them from the water.?

  • We are able to buy the licenses directly, as a licensed purchasing agent for TPWD's commercial license buy back program. We operate independently of the TPWD
  • We are a 100% volunteer group and have no paid officers or positions.?

  • Your donations are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by federal laws as a charitable donation.? Please consult your accountant for more information.

  • All funds we collect are used in Texas only.?

  • Please contact us if you know of, or have, a Texas Bay Shrimping License for sale.

SCA Announces new partnerships with

Amigo Energy
(click here or on the image)

Red Fish Bay Rods
(Enter Guide Discount Code 2032 and receive a $20 discount. Redfish Bay Rods will make an additional $40 contribution to SCA Texas)and with

Bay Shrimping By Catch Facts:

By catch
(click on the by catch photo to enlarge it)

It takes 5 or more pounds of by catch to produce 1 pound of marketable shrimp.

Over 80 million pounds of by catch is taken each year from Texas Bays.

In the Galveston Bay Complex alone, over 8 million pounds of by catch is taken each year.

SCA Texas Announces New Partnership with
Kroger and Randalls
more info